Past Life Regression - Real or Imagined? (Includes a fascinating case history)

Past Life Regression Case History
By Eric Delea D.Hyp. D.Psych. M.G.H.R. (U.K.)
(Clinical Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist)

Past Life Regression utilising hypnosis has fascinated many a therapist and has resulted in some interesting books & movies being produced on the topic. As a therapist, it is not my job to sway from therapy to Spiritualism, but it is my job to work within the client's belief system. Clients often request Past Life Regression and when they believe it will be therapeutically helpful to them in some way, ethical, non-leading sessions are justifiable as a part of overall therapy.

The following is an excerpt from an actual Past Life Regression session I held with a 29 year old female. She had always been curious about past life therapy and we decided to conduct a session and see where the experience brought us. She has given her full permission for this article to be shared in print.

I began the session in a relaxing environment, dimmed lights and soothing music. I induced a light state of hypnosis (which is all that is actually necessary) and asked the client to allow memories of the past to pop into her head. I listened to her relay events in her life such as her first job, first day at school etc., moving backwards through her life with each set of memories.

I then suggested that she allow herself travel back in his mind to her experience of the womb. The client, as is common at this stage, began to curl her body up slightly, mimicking the feeling of being in the womb. As we were progressing nicely, I used hypnotic suggestions and techniques to encourage her to go back through time, stopping anywhere she felt drawn to and find herself in that body of her past self.

It is important to note that I never lead or prompt the client to experience any scene of my imagining, I find it much more rewarding to allow the client to choose where he or she is to have their experience.

I noticed the client’s face concentrating intently, her eyes moving under her eyelids, as she saw through the eyes of a former life. Below is a brief transcript from the session. I shall use (T) for therapist and (C) for client.

(T) Can you describe what you are experiencing now?

(C) I am standing on some stairs and looking down into a old fashioned scullery kitchen, and I can see several women wearing aprons and cloth caps. They are all working, baking, cooking and boiling water. There is flour dust in the air, I can see them through the rays of light coming through the windows.

Looking down, I can see that I have several layers of long skirt, and I can just see the toes of my boots underneath. I seem to be a scullery maid. I have dark wavy hair and dark eyes. I am a small framed girl.

(T) Ok, just allow yourself to explore that scene, that experience, what else do you see? What age are you, what time, decade or century is this?

(C) I feel like I am 17. And the date feels like 1911.

I am in my bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed, a single wrought iron bed, pushed against one wall. It’s not long since I’ve arrived here. There is a picture on the dresser, which I feel is my mother. The picture is of a woman’s face. She has very soft features and is quite pretty. There are also rosary beads on the wall. It’s a very bare, basic room, but I feel content here, as if I belong. I am looking out through the window, on the ground floor. Through the window, I can see a rectangle of grass, just a little alcove of grass adjoining the building I am in. There are trees outside with what looks like Cherry or Apple Blossom. I can smell the blossom from the trees, there’s a light breeze blowing the smell through my window and making the net curtain move.

(T) Very good, you’re doing really well….just keep on describing your experience, what you see and feel, your emotions and your thoughts…

(C) I am in a living room or parlour, and my employers are standing in front of me. It’s as if they are welcoming me to the house. I know right away that their names are Charles & Josephine Leighton, and that they are wealthy people. He is wearing a dark grey suit with a white shirt. The shirt has a rounded collar, not a pointed one. He has a black tie on. His hair is just starting to go grey at the front and the sides, otherwise it’s quite fair. He has a short moustache and a friendly and open kind of face. I think he is a doctor.

She has auburn red hair, tied back off her face in plaits, wound onto her head on top. She’s smiling at me. She’s wearing a burgundy coloured tight fitting top with flowing skirts. She is the lady of the house, but I can tell that she is fair to her staff.

They are both in their 40’s, she is a few years younger than him.

(T) And can you tell me what else you are experiencing?

(C) I feel that the house is in England, a big city in the South, but I know instinctively that I am Italian and have just come from Italy. My name is Anna Maria.

I feel very lucky to be here, as I have heard lots of stories about staff who are treated badly when they go into service. I am really happy here, and know that I have happy times here.

(T) Ok, now you are going forward to the final moments of that lifetime, looking on as though you are merely an observer…now tell me what you are experiencing.

(C) I am looking down from above, and I can see that I am lying in a bed….I am much older, in my late 60’s. I feel as if I am back in Italy, in a farmhouse. I am lying in bed wearing a white cotton nightgown, and I know I am dying. But I feel content because I know it’s my time. My family are sitting and standing around the bed. Nine or ten people, with dark hair and dark skin. They are all crying and upset, and I find this quite funny, that they should be this upset when I have had such a good life. I am not afraid to die. I feel like the “Mamma” of the family.

I am smiling at them all, reassuring them that it is ok.

(T) Is there anything of significance that you feel you have to say, or relay in this experience?

(C) I feel like I have to tell them about the red shoes. It comes to my mind that I haven’t told them who is to get them. I realise that these shoes have been a significant symbol in my family for a long time. I think this is because they were the first things I bought with the first money I earned in England. They seem symbolic to me of proof that if you work hard, you can get what you want out of life.

(T) What have you learned from this experience?

(C) I have learned that if you work hard and are a good person, that you can achieve things that you didn’t think possible. I learned that everything happens for a reason, and I accept that.

After we had explored this experience to its fullest, I safely brought the client back through time to the here and now, suggesting she take all the memories and feelings of value to her back to this lifetime. The client’s full recollecions went on for 40 minutes, and can go on for much longer in some cases.

The client usually finds such experiences life changing and beneficial, to a small or greater degree. Further sessions usually result in more detailed information on the past life experience, or may result in the exploration of one or more new past life experiences. Many clients enjoy the thrill of researching their experiences afterwards, and I always enjoy hearing about the occasional accurate fact that has been unearthed through such research.

Therefore, real or imagined, the Past Life experience is an exciting exploration of the human mind, and so long as time is dedicated to this fascinating area of self discovery, I am quite sure that many more interesting cases will be found, adding to the many cases already documented on the possibility of reliving past lives.

Do you have any experiences to share? Please let us know. Share this post so others can find it too. Thank you.
